Wednesday, October 13, 2004


And now, the latest. My peristent cough is better, and my nose has finally dried up, thank goodness. I have gone to the doctor to get my ankle looked at, and it isn't twisted at all. Instead, I have something even better. Tendonitis.
I'm to take motrin or similar anti-inflammatories, ice the ankle/foot after work, and get some inserts for my shoe to help with arch support. I don't have much of an arch to begin with, but my shoes, evidently, have none. The fact that I'm on my feet all day doesn't help, and despite some recent weight loss (nowhere near the degree it needs to be, of course), the poundage I carry around is pretty much the culprit, on top of being on my feet constantly like I am. So... joy.
I finally got checks from the EDD, and they amounted to about $300, and put me over the thousand mark. I celebrated. For about a week. Just last night I was told that the place I had been going to stay in Oklahoma, a loft in the friend of a friend's home, with my cat AND large dog (which you just can't find places who will take, anymore) for about $200 a month, is being sold. Ergo, the offer to lease the loft, is gone. Admittedly, the loft would have been a stepping stone - someplace to stay while getting a job there, and saving up for a place of my own, as well as seeking out an apartment which would allow Watch - but it was going to be a stepping stone that I knew I'd be at for a little while, at least. The loss of that helping step sets me back at least six months, while I save for first and last month's rent, a pet deposit, and the money to keep going for at least a couple months while I get a new job, train, and then get stepped up to more hours (ideally).
I don't want to be here that long. I was looking to move out in December, the fight I'd likely have with my mother about the holidays notwithstanding. I'd've tackled that bridge when I got there.
I hate being back in my parents' house. Not necessarily because I don't get on with my folks, mind, just... I've been on my own, and like it that way. I'm not... I didn't plan on being... the kid in the house again. Despite what others might say, this is a huge step back in my opinion, and it feels like it.
And yet, I'm looking at being stuck here for much longer than I'd ever willingly considered. Honestly, I'm no longer sure what I'm going to do. Rudderless, suddenly, I find myself turning circles in my head.
I wish my damned luck would take a vacation already.


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