Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Going to be incommunicado for a bit, folks, (I know that's not unusual for this blog, but for the rest, explaination, at least.) due to my grandparents being involved in an accident. My uncle was driving them to Washington because my grandfather's daughter was very ill - on the way back, he somehow didn't see a semi, and the car was clipped, spun, and clipped again. It's totaled. My grandparents are mostly okay, thank goodness. Minor bumps and bruises, for the most part. My grandfather, however, has 4 busted ribs, and could possibly have blood coagulating in his skull. They're giving him an MRI or something. Some kind of scan, I can't really remember which they said. I've been staying at my grandparents' place, house and pet sitting, and now I don't know how long I'll be there. I'll let you all know when I get back. I just stopped home to grab a few more things. Talk to you later.


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