Okay, so it's not quite that drastic. On this liquid diet I've lost 25 pounds, and next week is the surgery. I've not been all good - the shakes are vile, no matter what flavor, and there's been a handful of times when I did eat something... but I never gorged or anything, and by and large I've been pretty good. I need to put more holes in my belt, so that feels good, and people say they can see the weight loss.
Possibly TMI, and my questionable sense of humor.
I still don't feel much different - no more energy like they were saying would happen. If anything, I'm still kind of tired. I just got my 2 view chest x-rays done, and an upper GI. And just so you all know, barium tastes god-awful. I used to feel sorry for the dogs we had to do a barium series on at work, but now, hooo, boy, I will no longer blame them for squirming when we try and poke a syringe of the nasty stuff in their mouth. I will have festive feces for a couple days - all white. Just in time for Christmas, eh? Now for the blood tests - which I may get done later today, or next week. We'll see.
I need to do a little running around - try and get my family and friends their gifts before I go into the hospital and won't be running anywhere for while. Small presents this year, and a regretable cutting off of any more art-getting, though I still have a few that are paid but pending, so will just have to tide me over for a while. I think I've become addicted to art of my characters. Such as these awesome gems.
Johari, from this story, all grown up and ready to kick butt in this picture by Jeddibub. http://www.furaffinity.net/view/1761204/
A nifty little icon of Kaz after either a successful hunt (gods, craving MEAT so badly), or a good fight (the blood of your enemies is tasty), by Kalamu, whose name is just fun to say.
Also. Finally. I wanted to do one thing in the middle of this whole mess that was for me, and for a while, it looked like between the cost of the surgery, the myriad tests and x-rays and medication and meal replacement crap etc., that I wouldn't be able to. However, someone stepped in, and helped me out, and I owe them much love and thanks. I got that new computer. Not a hand-me-down, not just a newer-than-my-previous one, a brand, spanking, new PC. We're reorganizing the room for post-surgery concerns, and I will likely be spending the first couple weeks over at my grandmother's house with no access... but after that? WoW, here I come. Rp rooms, I return. No more sharing a computer that I can get kicked off of at any moment because my own is too old and teeny to do anything, even display mIRC or a webpage decently, and no more worrying about memory limits, which made even older games run incredibly slowly if at all. So. Something to look forward to. :)
And yes, I'm scared witless about the surgery. That's why I'm babbling like a brook.
Ah! How could I forget this? I only wish I'd seen it sooner. If you haven't yet, watch. I laughed myself silly, and though I don't generally like Jack Black - Kung Fu Panda notwithstanding - he's damn funny here, and sings decently too. So does Neil Patrick Harris. I was damn impressed with his performance.
Sorry I haven't been in touch as of late. One day I'll write a letter, and get those DVDs to you... not to mention we'll have to go through all the plot aspects of that third installment yet again because in the craziness as of late, I lost everything related to that. :(
Best of luck with everything, Anna.
Sorry I haven't been in touch as of late. One day I'll write a letter, and get those DVDs to you... not to mention we'll have to go through all the plot aspects of that third installment yet again because in the craziness as of late, I lost everything related to that. :(
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