Sunday, March 30, 2008

A drop in the bucket against a cloudburst.

As if someone, somewhere, decided there had to be at least a little bit of good to try and weigh against the bad, the other day I got my employee evaluation at work. Evidently, I'm easy to work with, I'm doing a good job, and though they want me to pick up a bit on initiative, they know I'm working on it and have been improving. So I got a raise. A nice one.

Watch, my dog, was 13 years old. He had a degenerative nerve condition in his back and rear legs which was slowly robbing him of muscle and the ability to walk. Eventually, I knew, he would lose the use of his hind legs completely, and the ability to control his bowels. Still, we managed it with medications and keeping his weight down. Last week, he went completely incontinent. And then, the past three days, he started going off his feed, only eating a little, getting listless. He fell down a lot more. It was time. My mom had gotten very attached to him, and even my stepfather, not a dog person, got teary-eyed in the room. We were all with him. I fed him a triple Whopper that he didn't finish. It all came on rather fast... he'd just been a blood donor, saving another dog's life, not 2 weeks ago, despite being an old man. Today, we had to euthanize him. My dog is gone.

God, but I'm so very tired of death.


At 1:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My sympathies. And I'd been hoping that I would be able to meet him before this day came :(

Rest in peace, Watch.



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