Thursday, January 24, 2008

Well, I'm gathering my stuff and heading off to FC on the morrow. Or... later today, given the hour. I've been getting last minute stuffs together, printing out my panel materials, and assembling a host of reference pictures for when I hit the Creator's Lounge. I -will- get those pics finished, by god, and use that scanner at the house I'm staying at.

Convention stuff.

I've decided to leave the assemblage of minotaur figurines I own at home - while they were nice to have as a visual component, after my Hurloon statue lost the tip of his horn on the way home from the last FC, I'm just not willing to risk damaging it further, or any of the others. Plus I've never been sure it looked any good having them on the table.
There were scant pickings to add to my list of minotaur sources this year - a couple artists, a book or two, a couple source books for RPGs. Did a little bit of quality control... having read a couple of the books I'd listed in the interim, ugh. Just ugh. Not even going to bother folks with 'em.
I think this is the last minotaur panel I'll do for a while. I enjoy it, even as I get nervous as hell, but I feel I don't really have enough changes to keep everything fresh.


Tagged by philemon_v
* Each person starts with eight random facts, traits, or quirks about themselves.* LJer's that are tagged get to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.* At the end of your blog, you get to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.Murg. Random facts. I suck at memes like this. All right, well, if I say something someone already knows... tough. ;) I'm fairly boring.
1. I was partially deaf for a brief time as a kid - and I mean that in the literal sense. One ear heard fine, the other not at all. My right eardrum burst after I got sick as a dog on the only skiing trip I've ever been on, and it took close to a year to heal. During that time, I couldn't hear out of my right ear. I loathe skiing for other reasons, though.2. I loved skateboarding as a kid, though I sucked at it. But I had the coolest skateboard around.3. I didn't get even semi-interested in the opposite sex until junior year in high school, and was a complete tomboy. This lead to classmates and even some family members worrying that I was a lesbian. I was quietly amused by this, but never gave it another thought.4. I have teeny, tiny hands and ears. I hate this.5. I gave everyone a coronary and even the bishop faltered when at my Confirmation I chose the name "Jen", after one of my most beloved cats, Jennifer (though of course only my family knew that). It was either that or Denver, after John Denver, whose music I adore. Silly me, I thought Jen would be less obviously and immediately offbeat, but all the bishop could come up with when he was supposed to make a little comment on the name (others chose saints, as is traditional, the wusses. We were told we didn't -have- to anymore) was " mother's name was Jen." I'm sacrilegious, what can I say?6. I've always drawn animals, fantasy beasties, and animal people. The nuns at my Catholic school were concerned I'd get into bestiality and talked to my mother about it. That wasn't the ONLY thing she got talked to about in my tenure there during grades 1-4.7. I write much more coherently than I talk. Speech and me... not so good together.8. I wrote a paper on one of my favorite Shakespeare sonnets in college that made my English teacher actually weep with joy. There was a big revelation I had about the poem in the paper, something I hadn't grasped until reading it and analyzing it for the umpteenth time while working on the assignment. I've lost the paper, and can't for the life of me remember the realization.

I don't tag. Y'wanna, go ahead.


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