Part II -- The Bad and the Ugly.Well, I did warn ya this was coming.
The Bad.
The vet hospital I work at, who had told me that when I graduated, they'd move me up to tech, has said they have no positions open unless someone leaves suddenly. However, shortly before I was to graduate, they hired someone who had only been a kennel attendant, and had no schooling, and began to train her as a tech.
Yeah. My reaction too. It's a shame, really. I like the place, the people, and the tech pay scale. (Best in the area.) But I didn't go to school for 2 years and bust my butt to stay in kennels. So I have to go elsewhere. Did I mention kennels are full full full right now? Also, I hate beagles.
I thought I'd finally spend a little money, and get a phone that wasn't the basic free model for once. I missed a deal that had been online for the phone I wanted by a day, so decided to try another that was for the same price as the first one used to be. I lost the son of a bitch the next day. Left it on the counter at a store, and someone behind me in line probably walked off with it. Fortunately, I had insurance. Called 'em up. Had a 50 dollar copay. Gritted my teeth, paid it, got a replacement mailed. Tried the phone out for a couple weeks. Hate it. Took it back to the store, since it was within the 30 days I had where I could exchange it. Was told that since it's a replacement through the insurance, I couldn't exchange it, couldn't get a refund, couldn't even trade it in and pay the difference to get the phone I had originally wanted to begin with. I have to eat the phone and the money I spent on it. My options are thus: Live with a phone I hate for 2 years. Close the account, pay $200+ for early cancellation, and open a new account, and pay full price for the phone I want. Reactivate my old phone, and eat the money spent on the new one, as well as keep a useless phone. Do a sneaky trade for a phone with lesser capabilities - that I pay full price for - and then send them the phone, and they credit me the amount I paid for it... thus still leaving me with a lesser phone I don't want, and an inability to exchange/refund/upgrade for 2 years. And that's the best option. I am not a happy camper with them.
The Ugly.
I got a bit of a shock when, after my grandfather went in for suspected pneumonia, he was diagnosed with lung cancer and given 6 months to live. Less, really. He's gone downhill rather rapidly, having to be on oxygen and in hospice care. At first, I didn't think he'd even make the whole month, he looked so bad. But he's rebounded a little. My grandfather's been having some rather good days lately, actually. Well, technically, he's my step-grandfather, but as I never knew the real one, he IS grandpa to me, and always has been. I go spend time with him and my grandmother on my days off.
It's complicated over there, sometimes, but overall, I think it's going as well as it can. I think he's ready to go, and I can't fault him. But oh, I regret not talking to him more, now. He had so many stories I would have loved, but he was never the tale-telling type. I got more out of his brother in one evening than I ever have from him. He's always been a more practical, present day sort. Unfortunately, his memory has begun to fail... I can't ask him all the things I want to know, anymore. When he met my grandmother, what it was like in the navy, his childhood... I've tried. I think I missed out on my grandpa, though at least I've said what needs to be said between us. That's the one good thing about advance warning.
Now, there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. I am on the verge of setting up my new computer. The room is set, I now have my table, and just need to assemble the damn thing. I'm even getting a scanner. Soon, there will be no more excuses not to draw or write or rp for me. ^_^'
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