I am NOT a happy minotaur.
My car died on the way home from the clinic on Friday. There's a friggin' huge leak in the radiator, as water spews out as fast as it's put in. It was 10 p.m. before I got home, and I had to leave my car at my grandmother's house. I'm now having to borrow my mother's car, and thus, either ferry or be ferried about because she also has work and places to be. No mechanics are open due to the holiday weekend. I'll probably be able to get the car in someplace on Wednesday.
I'm volunteering 40 hours a week at the clinic. I'm getting paid for working at Kmart, one day of the week. I'm goddamn broke for big things like, oh... car repair, though I'd been doing good at stretching my last paycheck to cover my bills during this time of little income. HAD. Past tense.
And. Now my brother and his girlfriend are coming over. Be here on Thursday. Might leave on Friday, might stay through to Saturday, maybe Sunday.
Fucking perfect.
However. That venom out of my system, my thoughts are with those of my friends or those close to them who are having -real- bad times. The kind that change life forever, instead of just a week or two. I'll light a candle for you all this evening. Take care.
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