Thursday, December 29, 2005

Holiday music... stuck... in my head... *chortles* Not that I mind. Did the whole "singing to myself" thing again this year, and found out I actually managed to correct the erroneous words I had memorized so that now I sing the right lyrics. Yay me!

Hey, little things brighten up the season, so I'll take 'em. Now that my sibling and his girlfriend have vacated the premises, and I once more have access to the computer - at least as infrequently as normal, which is better than not at all - a small update.

Hope all of you, my friends, had a good Christmas, or individual holiday of choice. I decided to duck out of traffic school on Christmas Eve. Bad me, I know, but I found out I can rent videos from the rental place, call in to take quizzes, and that suits me much better than what I had had in store for me. I am well content.

Actually, I had a damn good holiday thanks to my friends. Thank you, AL, for being my anchor, not just for this time of year, but for damn near every day. Running across you will forever disprove what I say about minotaur's luck. Maybe it gets good every now and then. ;)

Though they're never going to see this, I must make note here of my folks. They gave me a lot this year, and I owe them a great deal. Masquerade was all I asked for, but they also gave me two damn cool minotaur T-shirts, and a more practical, but dearly needed gift of car maintenance. Tomorrow, I take the old Topaz in for a tune-up, an oil change, and a radiator flush, on them. For this, I'm deeply appreciative.

Thank you Tanamin, and Kishma and Ed, for the glorious presents given to me - not only the figurines, (links here - the one beside the centaur and here - only gray, not brown, with the fingers of the open hand not splayed like that, but curled, as promised!) but for what is undoubtedly the Best Damn Present of the Holiday (aside from Masquerade, of course) -- World of Warcraft. Tauren, baby! I've read the manual about five times now, and am soooo looking forward to the time when I can finally play! *hoots* THANK YOU!

As to the plans for hosting the minotaur panel at Further Confusion, I've had a few more emails with the Folks in Charge. It may still be on - but I'm not sure yet. I apologized for being a bit snarky, they apologized for not being clear, and we're now seeing if there isn't a way to do this. Someone's stepped up who may be willing and able to be a panelist (Thanks Greg!) along with me, if the dates/times mesh. If they don't, I'm tempted to put it off until next year. It'll give me more time to amass shtuff, I'll make certain I have other panelists, and maybe with those others there will be more ideas of what can be done during the panel. Admittedly, I had never had more than informal plans for it - discussion mostly, a rather plain list of resources, perhaps a bit of a debate depending on the people who attended. I didn't think there'd be a huge draw, but I thought there might be enough to just have a good time talking minotaurs. Now, even if the other panelist comes through, I'm not so sure there would be anyone attending - because of the mix-up, the panel won't be listed in the program or booklet for the con, just in the newsletter and maybe on the website. Not very good publicity, according to others I've seen post on the subject. So, while the people running the con have said they'd be willing to see about accommodating my panel even if I don't wrangle another panelist, I'm wondering if I should. I suppose it couldn't hurt - I'd just hate to show to an empty room, y'know? Making flyers and plastering them over the hotel is a possibility... *ponders* Heh. Could always hang one between the horns of my mask and walk around the con like a bovine billboard. Just have to wait and see what happens with the other panelist.

On a more personal level, I've decided to pick up a couple of weights from work. Just a five and ten pounder, I figure. PCOS or not, I can't really wait until can afford that surgery, and so am going to try a little organized exercise. Not at a gym - can't afford the money and it's not really an environment I feel like subjecting myself to. But using weights, even a little, should help somewhat. Besides, I'll need the upper body and arm strength to wrangle with dogs when I start my internship during the summer. I'm also trying to cut back on the Pepsi. I meant to limit myself, and was doing all right for a while, but slipped a month back. Got to try and keep that going. I'm hoping that by writing it instead of just "kinda meaning" to do it, I'll keep it fresh in my head. Setting goals and all that. A New Year is coming, and while I haven't bothered with resolutions for a long time, I believe it's time to change that. I'll even start early.

So, here's hoping everyone's had a good holiday, and I hope you have a Happy New Years too!


At 1:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know when you want another phonecall and I'll give you one... at the correct time this time :P It means staying up until 1 am for me, but, eh, I can handle it ;)

As for the weightloss and body building program... I can help with the former :) It's easy, really. Every time you see a bottle or can of Pepsi, you say to yourself: Somebody vomited in this Pepsi. And imagine the chunks floating in it. You've got a vivid imagination, I know you do, so it won't be that hard ;)

Unless you actually like consuming vomit... :P

At 2:29 AM, Blogger Kaz said...

When my next schedule comes out, I'll send it your way. I've had all my days off for this week, unfortunately.

And eeeeew. Dammit, yes I do, and now I can't finish the Pepsi I was drinking. :รพ Bleeech. The problem isn't my imagination, it's my memory. It's not a question of being able to imagine those chunks, but whether I will remember to.


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