Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I've gotten the news from the Animal Health Technology Department. I've been accepted into the two year Vet tech program. Now I just have to send in the acceptance of the acceptance (which I find amusing) and I'll be looking at two years of the following.

First Year, Fall Semester:

AHT 102 Animal Care & Management I
AHT 103 Comparative Anatomy & Physiology
AHT 145 Applied Animal Health Care
AHT 147 Animal Health Enrichment
BUS 180 Medical Terminology
General Coursework

First Year, Spring Semester:

AHT 104 Comparative Pathology & Pharmacology
AHT 105 Animal Care & Management II
AHT 106 Clinical Procedures I
AHT 145 Applied Animal Health Care
AHT 147 Animal Health Enrichement
BIO 27 Principles of Microbiology
General Coursework

First Year, Summer Semester:

AHT 45 Special Projects
AHT 99 Clinical Externship

Second Year, Fall Semester:

AHT 107 Clinical Procedures II
AHT 108 Veterinary Office Procedures & Interpersonal Skills
AHT 109 Veterinary Clinical Pathology
AHT 110 Diagnostic Radiography
AHT 145 Applied Animal Health Care
AHT 147 Animal Health Enrichment
General Coursework

Second Year, Spring Semester

AHT 99 Clinical Externship
AHT 111 Surgical Assisting and Anesthesiology
AHT 112 Clinical Seminar
AHT 113 Current Veterinary Therapy in Small Animal Practice
AHT 145 Applied Animal Health Care
AHT 147 Animal Health Enrichment
General Coursework

...I think I'm gonna go lie down.


At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well before you would lie down, I'd give you a hug and say "Congratulations!"; doing so after you had already lain might be construed as ungentlemanly.

Seriously, that's great news. At least I'll know who to hire should I do any work in the US of A :)

At 10:35 PM, Blogger Kaz said...

*laughs* Well, I'll take the hug and congrats either way. ;) Don't hire me yet - I still gotta get through all that muck, and sciences were never my strong suit.

At 10:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you need someone to run stuff by, by all means, let me know. I can send you materials and stuff that might be of help as well should you need them.

Best way to get through it all, though, is constant plugging away at it ;) You'll be right... I sucked at chemistry and physics, but biology and anatomy and whatnot are what you really need to get through it. That and practice. Artwork and writing will take a decent back seat to it all, though... small sacrifice :)


At 1:23 AM, Blogger Kaz said...

*hugs back*

Well, I don't know about a backseat - when I was in school and the period when I'd first moved in to my own place in Washington were the most fruitful of times for my writing and art. But we'll see, as you say.

And I will probably need all the help I can get. *grins ruefully*


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