Wednesday, May 17, 2006

One of my favorite characters in an online comic I read got killed off. He was a minotaur, which makes it even worse, but as a character, I really, really liked him. Ironically, I think I liked Angus the best in Gaming Guardians - while still a good character, with depth and personality in the Guardians, where he also appears, he's completely different than he was in the other comic, and I can't say I appreciate him as much.

I'm quite bummed. I may have to pause in my reading of the comic for a few days, simply because I'm fairly sure what I'd like to see happen isn't going to. Much as I may want to see the character that killed Angus torn into little bitty shreds, even I know that wouldn't further the story. Besides, it's been my experience that while heroes stay dead, villains never do, so it's a moot point anyway.

Yeah, I know, I know. Just a comic. But if people can obsess over who gets voted off a rather insipid TV show, then I can care about this. He was a well written minotaur, dammit, and there's so few of them out there. *sighs*

Hrechesl, Angus. Te teya urtik lhtesh`bek. Anatah lhraal.


At 3:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's only been one time I've really been bummed by a fictional death, and it was Robinton, the Masterharper, in the Pern series.

And we have to start discussing our own minotaur plans soon... consider it catharsis.


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