Monday, March 17, 2003

Employment status: Still 'Un'. Finances: Broker than a busted board. Frustration level: High. No real progress on the site at present, still working on those larger pics so I can use them on the cafe press store, which still isn't open.

Rant deleted. It was about the war and the president and my opinions anyway, so nothing of real great interest or import. Now I'm just trying to get this damn thing to work.

Okay, rant over, because if I go on anymore I'm going to piss myself off. Here. Go read this. The original pervy hobbit fancier's livejournal. Laugh yourself silly. Ancestors know I did, and I needed it. The Very Secret Diaries of everyone in The Lord of the Rings movies. There's a link to the 'official' site where all the entries from the Fellowship of the Ring are, and those are what made me chortle. I'd provide a direct link there, but this blogger POS won't let me because there's one little symbol in the url that's outside the norm. *rolls eyes and mutters*

Of course, it's not letting me publish this entry because of something that's supposed to be unusual. "Error 203: Character not allowed. What it means: The blog could not be parsed due to some invalid XML. If you have a blog with posts or a template that has high-ASCII characters, your publishing will stop and produce this error."

That's what it says the really unhelpful help page. I've tried sucking anything remotely 'unusual' out the posts and still can't publish a damn thing.



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