Friday, September 05, 2003

Been a hell of a week. On the up side, I did get over being sick a while back. On the down side... had my second interview for the job I was hoping to get. I'm pretty sure I blew it at the end. I kept cool until then and all my nerves showed at once. I'll know for sure next week, sometime. Or if they don't call me at all.
Didn't have much time at all over the long weekend. Not that I ever do, since I work seven days a week, but still. Hell, I didn't even really have the holiday. Though the hospital was closed, I came in to do half the load they'd given me for Tuesday. Eight. That's a full day, all right? I mean, it depends on a lot of things - size and hair of the dog, whether they have a lot of undercoat or not, ease of handling, if the bath is medicated or not... but it comes down on average to an hour per dog. I'm not a professional dog-bather, so I'm sure that there are people out there who are lightning fast and can turn out sixteen dogs in a day, but I'm not one of them. Especially when I have to share the only tub with the groomer, who has her own animals to bathe and prepare. I've cranked out ten dogs in seven hours, and had days where eleven dogs took me ten and a half hours. It all depends. In a normal day I'll have five or so, on a good solid day eight or nine. Ten really pushes it. You know how many I would have had if I hadn't come in on Monday, and done half? Nineteen. Nine-fucking-teen. I've told them I just can't do even twelve in one day, and they scheduled nineteen goddamn animals. No, I take it back. They scheduled sixteen. There were three walk-ins that they said 'Sure, we can take them, no problem' to. Obviously, they don't ask me if I can, they just keep saying yes. And then, when I'm almost done... 'Can you do one more?' Twenty. Would have been twenty. And then what happens? They bitch at me for washing animals a day early. I need a new job.
Got a new drawing in the works. A dancing minotaur. I -meant- to begin drawing a minotaur weaving a basket, but I guess my pencil decided to go with an action pose instead. Now, I just need to draw that basket-weaver, and I can go scan a few new pics. If the person who wanted a rat anthro based on their pet April is out there, email me! I need your working email address, because she's inked and done. If you have tried to email me, try again. The rash of virus-laden emails seems to have ebbed in the yahoo address. Hotmail's still swamped.
Other stuff. Been working a bit on my writing, though mostly on editing and such. I realized most of the minotaurs in my stories are mahogany-pelted, which makes sense if you know me, but across the board in stories? ...doesn't work so good. People are getting the characters mixed up despite small differences. So, in This Stranger, My Friend, Mikaela's gotten a change of hue. When I'm a bit further along in the rewrites, I'll put them in place of the current ones. Dabbled a bit more on And I Was Cast Towards Home. Progress there! Not much... but progress! Am poking at The Hart and trying to figure out some revision that's needed there.

That's all for today. I'm done.



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