Friday, April 11, 2003

Cafe Press store update - I only have a few pics large enough to really use - the Sabertoothed dancer is one of them, and I'm working on coloring it for a T-shirt. I wish they had black shirts though. Then it would kick ass, yea verily. And stuff. But man, it's taking forever to color in the large size. Meh. Still working on it. Maybe I should put up some small stuff first. Mugs or mousepads or something.
I am soooo out of shape. This job is a lot more physical than my last one. Lifting dogs, wrangling with them to get their nails, getting chewed on by a cranky old fart of a black lab, cleaning ears, messing with muzzles, big dogs, little dogs, brushing out hair and sharing a tub with the groomer - it's one thing when you're testing for suitability for adoption, and another when it doesn't -matter- if you wouldn't put this dog up or not, whether it's safe to handle or not, because it's already someone's pet, and you have no damn choice. It may be a part time gig, but I'm telling you, I get home and I collapse into bed for a while, dead beat. This is not to say that I hate it, I don't. I do like animals. But I like animals that are nice to me. Don't we all? *chuckles* And I am getting in shape. My upper body and arms don't bother me anymore. It's my legs and my hips that do. Ah well. I imagine that too will go away in time. Meanwhile though, it makes me abso-frickin'-lutely useless for anything else. I'm too tired to go anywhere or do much of anything. Hope I adjust soon. It's a job, and I need it, but I gots no life. And I didn't have much of one -before-.



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