Monday, April 12, 2004

The Rundown:

My computer blew up a while ago, rendering me offline without warning. I had no money to get it fixed or pay my bills, and have been anxiously waiting to get my tax refund, as well as trying to get a job and jumping through hoops trying to get unemployment.

The Good News:

I got my tax refund in the mail, and got my computer to a repairshop. It took a bit longer than expected to fix, but I actually ended up getting a pretty good deal out of it, having my windows upgraded from 95 to 98, getting the drive devirused, (without loss of data, yaaaay!) since apparently the stuff I had wasn't doing jack, getting Norton installed, and my cd drive replaced. The repairman also said that my scanner should work now, long as I have the drivers for Windows '98. Which, when I checked the company's site, evidently I have to buy. *growls and mutters* So it's set up, and I'm waiting on the drivers from the company to get here, so I can use my scanner. I hope. I hope I hope I hope.

The Bad News:

... eh, I'll write it later. Still a bit pissy about it all, truth be told. *heads off to finish housework.*


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