I've gotten the news from the Animal Health Technology Department. I've been accepted into the two year Vet tech program. Now I just have to send in the acceptance of the acceptance (which I find amusing) and I'll be looking at two years of the following.
First Year, Fall Semester:
AHT 102 Animal Care & Management I
AHT 103 Comparative Anatomy & Physiology
AHT 145 Applied Animal Health Care
AHT 147 Animal Health Enrichment
BUS 180 Medical Terminology
General Coursework
First Year, Spring Semester:
AHT 104 Comparative Pathology & Pharmacology
AHT 105 Animal Care & Management II
AHT 106 Clinical Procedures I
AHT 145 Applied Animal Health Care
AHT 147 Animal Health Enrichement
BIO 27 Principles of Microbiology
General Coursework
First Year, Summer Semester:
AHT 45 Special Projects
AHT 99 Clinical Externship
Second Year, Fall Semester:
AHT 107 Clinical Procedures II
AHT 108 Veterinary Office Procedures & Interpersonal Skills
AHT 109 Veterinary Clinical Pathology
AHT 110 Diagnostic Radiography
AHT 145 Applied Animal Health Care
AHT 147 Animal Health Enrichment
General Coursework
Second Year, Spring Semester
AHT 99 Clinical Externship
AHT 111 Surgical Assisting and Anesthesiology
AHT 112 Clinical Seminar
AHT 113 Current Veterinary Therapy in Small Animal Practice
AHT 145 Applied Animal Health Care
AHT 147 Animal Health Enrichment
General Coursework
...I think I'm gonna go lie down.
Huzzah, school's out.
Ye gods, been a long time since I've been happy about 'summer vacation'. Not that I'm having vacation, mind, but at least the semester is done, final tests are taken, and I'm about to engage in the age-old custom of selling back my books to the school and joining the chorus of dispairing cries of "You're only giving me how much?! What do you mean that book isn't being used next year?!" The family is doing well, my grandfather, Mr. B, seems like things are settling down again on that front. Which believe me, I'm very happy about.
Had the finals in my remaining two classes the same day - yesterday. The AHT 101 final had me biting my pencil into damp, wooden and slightly yellow splinters, but I think... I hope... I managed to pull a B out of it. I could have bombed the final and still earned a C, but I'd much prefer that B. In my drawing class, I got an A. *dances* I have pictures I wish I could scan, to show you all what I've learned, but as ever, the scanner situation remains constant. Not that they're interesting pictures - still life, a landscape, and a couple of models (*mutter* Hate drawing humans, suck so bad) - but it shows off what I've learned. I've gotten a verrrry basic notion of shading now. Yay! Any improvement in that area has to pay off. And I've pulled together perspective. Granted, these are little things in the scheme of it, and I'm far from mastering either technique, but it's still more than I knew before, and any advancment of my skills makes me damn happy. I have found that I loathe charcoal. And India ink, but I'm better with India ink than with charcoal. Of course, never really happy as I am, I wish I could blend pencil into a realistic surface like some of the other students could do... so envious. *sighs* Someday though, eh? I intend to take more art classes, though when, well... that I still don't know.
The big news? I applied for the vet tech program after taking my final. After a great deal of thought, I've decided not to give up on that goal. We'll see if I'm accepted. Other big news? Mithril might not have FIP after all. After a round of antibiotics, I'm taking her in for a second test. She might just have a corona infection. Not that the vet told me this. No, he talked and told my mother this when Sesu's test came back negative. *froths* Definitely switching vets. I ain't a little kid, I didn't have mommy there when I took Rill the first time, and I sure as hell don't look 15 anymore. She's my cat. I'm paying her bills, I'm making the decisions. I don't care if you "don't want to get my hopes up". I effin' deserve to know all the pertinent info. In any event, thank you all for your good vibes aimed our way. It's paying off. *grins and hands out cookies* Good karma for you, and you, and you, and you...
Last bit of news. My plans to flitter to Oklahoma to see my best friend have come to a grinding halt. I managed to get the time off, but because office politics suck eggs, blood, and the life out of small children, her vacation time was revoked. So I'll just keep workin', and look to go sometime in September.