So. The day I found out about my non-externship, I flew down the road after work to try and get to the closest clinic before it shut down for the day, as vet hospitals often close their doors between 5 and 6 p.m. I begged and pleaded in my Kmart uniform for a spot. The lead tech - a very tall woman with short red hair and a damn gorgeous multicolored flame tattoo around her forearm said she'd talk to the practice owner, who came out shortly afterwards. I plead my case to her as well, and she said she didn't know if they'd have enough for me to do, but she'd see. I thanked them profusely, and left, to try and run to another clinic. Didn't make it to that one. Anyhow, the next day, while I'm working at Kmart, I hear someone asking "What'd they do with the service desk?" A common query, as the store is remodeling at the moment, and it's been moved. I turn, because though the question had been directed at a companion, and not me, I have the answer, so I pipe up with "They moved over past the registers, ma'am. Oh! Hi!" It was the tech, whose name I cannot remember for the life of me, and must find out again. She told me the vet would be calling me, and suggested perhaps splitting the time between the clinic where she works, and a new one in Soquel that might be interested, friends of Dr. Moreno, who she'd been talking to on my behalf. I said I'd love to, but the school won't allow splitting time - it all has to be in one place. She said she'd let the doctor know. I again thanked her for her time and effort, and off she went, shopping.
Later that day, Dr. Moreno called. Because I was at work, I only got to speak with her briefly, and a surge of customers meant I had to ask her to call me back and leave a message. I felt crappy about that. But she did, and in that message was the fact that her friend had opened up a brand new clinic, and would be interested in having me, the number, and directions. I called the number, spoke to the person (Anneke) who set me up to meet with Dr. Janet Brennan at 10:00 am Monday.
This, I did. I spoke with both her and the Hospital Manager, Cheryl. It may be unpaid, but I have an externship! Huzzah!
This makes me one happy minotaur. 
Which made the arrival of the above avatar commission by the enviably talented Wormwood all the more appropriate. Whaaat? Yes, I know I'm broke, but it was cheap! Ten bucks! You can't beat that for talent like Wormwoods.
Tuesday was my first day and boy, was I exhausted. I'm going to learn a LOT. This place is amazing. And huge. And they assure me that that wasn't busy at all, and that Thursdays are hell. The place has three vets, two RVTs (Hartnell graduates, no less!), and at least seven other people working, probably more, since I know I haven't met everyone yet. I was so tired, but it was good. They tossed me in, and I started doing stuff right away. Small stuff in the scheme of things, maybe, but I'm sure that will change, and I need practice in all areas. Taking histories from clients was scary enough for my first day, thanks. The other stuff like restraint and running tests, and sitting with recovering animals I was at least familiar with from other jobs.
I'll be working from 7:30 am to 5 pm, which means I get an hour and a half lunch... but no other breaks. You bet my ankle was screaming on Tuesday. I went home and flopped, and passed out. I get Wednesdays and Sundays off. Which means I'll be working at Kmart those days. I'm gonna be one tired minotaur. Did I mention I have to be up at 5:30 in the morning, to make the drive to the clinic? Soquel is almost an hour away, depending on traffic.
But at least I have what I need. And I'll definitely be learning. When I have money again after this externship, I'll have to get both Dr. Moreno's clinic and everyone at the Soquel clinic something. Donuts or fruit baskets. Something. I hate giving such general gifts, but I don't know them well enough to make them more personal, and I need to show my gratitude to these people. I owe them a big one. *ponders and heads off to rustle dinner up*
So. For school I needed to get an externship at a clinic. Got a list of things I need to do, and a requirement of 240 hours to put in between the nineteenth of this month, and the twenty-eighth of next. That's about forty hours a week. I was hoping to get a paying job, that would hopefully continue throughout the rest of my schooling, as in general, the pay is better than what I make at Kmart, and applies to my hireability after taking the test and (hopefully) passing, once I get the AS degree in Animal Health Technology.
Oh. Some good news. No taking microbiology again. Despite my worry and less than stellar performance in the class, I managed to pull it off with a B at the end. All my other classes were A's, one B in Clinical Procedures, and a Credit in a credit/no credit course. So. Goodness there.
As for the externship, I'd been applying, and had some intereviews, and while it wasn't looking like I'd get a paying job, I at least comforted myself with the fact that, while I was still looking, I'd lined up a volunteer spot at a local clinic to fall back on. Well and good, I had my bases covered. My last attempt at a paying job didn't work out - they said the spot might be open as of July, but that's too late to do me any good - and I had one reeeeally nice vet say she'd have taken me, but she already had two of my classmates. *grins wryly* I moved too slow on that one, unfortunately. But she called me a few days later and pointed me to the other possible job, which was really damn nice of her.
But, rambling again. The end result is, no paying job. Okay. So I start trying to get a hold of the person at the clinic who'd said they'd have me on a volunteer basis. I need to set up hours and such. I finally get ahold of them yesterday, while at work. And they promptly back out. I am externshipless. Two *#&@^$ days before I need to start it!
Excuse me while I scramble madly for anyone to take me for said 240 hours between those dates with no goddamn notice, in between working eight hour shifts at Kmart, which tend not to allow for much running to clinics hither and yon, which close mostly at 5 or 6.
*stomps off snarling*